About the Author
I am Deidre Mapstone, author of Sigrun, The Bandamann Saga. This is my first novel.
I've never considered myself to be a writer, but I write. I won a creative writing contest when I was in elementary school, but never gave it a second thought. I never considered it as a career.
I've written down thoughts, dreams, journals, diaries throughout the years. When I was in my teens, I thought it might be a nice idea to write my biography as a modern day Little House on the Prairie. Back then, I wondered, "But how would I ever get it published?" So, it never happened (but, never say never).
Today, with self publishing becoming more and more relevant, my ideas can become reality!
My first delving into writing is Sigrun. Based on a dream I had, I told my daughter about it. She encouraged me to write it down and make a story out of it. Because of her, and much encouragement from the rest of my family, Sigrun was born. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating it.